For seven seasons, Game of Thrones fans has watched characters lie, steal, bleed, kill, and sacrifice everything for the Iron Throne. Today, MTN DEW makes the ultimate sacrifice For the Throne – its name. The brand will remove its iconic neon green “face” revealing a stark white, brandless can – “A Can Has No Name.”

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“A Can Has No Name” is a limited-run, special edition MTN DEW can inspired by beloved character Arya Stark and her training with the Faceless Men of Braavos.


Faceless Men are a mysterious guild of assassins trained to relinquish their former identities to become “no one”.

When warm, the cans appear brandless. Once chilled, they reveal Arya’s iconic kill list, a tribute to those killed and a glance at her remaining targets for the final season.


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@MountainDew is coming #ForTheThrone @JoelEmbiid @GameOfThrones

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