Bill Cosby Wished Fathers Across America a Happy Father’s Day From Prison

Bill Cosby still thinks of himself as America’s favorite Black dad, although he was stripped of the titled following his conviction for sexual assault.

But he still managed to wish all the fathers across the nation a Happy Father’s Day straight out the you know. “Hey, Hey, Hey…It’s America’s Dad…I know it’s late, but to all the Dads… It’s an honor to be called a Father, so let’s make today a renewed oath to fulfilling our purpose — strengthening our families and communities,” the message read.

Many users thought it was a PR stunt, but apparently, this message is coming straight from the horse’s mouth. TMZ recently spoke to Bill Cosby’s rep, Andrew Wyatt, who said the disgraced comedian called him and told him what to write. This is something Cosby reportedly does often and he communicates to his team at least 3-4 times a month.

Of course, his post was met with criticism because no one wants parental advice from a convicted sexual predator. But Wyatt clarified to the outlet that Cosby was referring to the other inmates calling him America’s TV dad.