According to a new Hollywood Reporter/Morning Consult poll, most people are here for Halle Bailey playing Ariel in the new live-action remake of The Little Mermaid. Last week upon the announcement of her casting, social media blew up with racist remarks about Bailey being the wrong race to play this fictional character.

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Critics thought that maybe the actress chosen to star in the film should have looked like the illustrated version of the character from the 1989 cartoon. From the opposing public outcry, the hashtag #NotMyAriel took off like wildfire.

But is that what most people think?


According to this poll of over 2,000 adults, conducted between July 8th and 10, the Hollywood Reporter found that most survey folks believe she would be a great choice for the role.

The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of adults based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, and region.  Some of the questions asked were as follows:

“When films are remade, they should be remade as close to their original as possible, including sticking to the race and ethnicity of each character?” or “When films are remade, they should try to be more diverse in their casting even if that means changing the race and ethnicity of some characters?”

The results were incredibly political. About 3/4 of those surveyed that identified as Democrats and a little under 1/2 of those who consider themselves Republicans said that they support the casting of Bailey.

17 percent said that they opposed Bailey taking on the leading role. Though 34 percent overall said that they “strongly support” the decision to cast Bailey, roughly 21 percent said that they “somewhat support” the choice.