Kanye West Is Now Making “Dome Homes” in Calabasas

Kanye West is always forward-thinking in his approach to things, whether it’s dealing with the future of fashion or less-than-wanted opinions about the future of American politics. However, his latest futuristic venture is actually pretty dope; Ye is now developing dome concept houses that he’s hoping will lead us into a more unified society.

TMZ gave a first look at the unique housing structures, which were designed to actually “break the barriers that separate classes” that we as a society created with upper, middle and lower class terminology. The units are currently being constructed in his Calabasas, California neighborhood, and are said to be inspired by Luke Skywalker’s childhood home on Tatooine from the classic Star Wars universe. Dimensions for the homes are measured out at 50 feet tall and sit on an estimated 300-acre land plot. Kanye even went the extra mile by assigning his team to research the history of housing to make sure this project is as cutting-edge as it looks. Hey…”Dome Homes” sound pretty dope to us!

We’ll keep you updated as more info on these dome concept houses by Kanye West come to further fruition. Let us know if you’d live in one of these by sounding off on our Facebook and Twitter!