Call him 50 Cent Speilberg.
The Power producer stepped into a new lane by directing the third episode of the 6th and final season. Fif starred as Kanan, a family and foe to both Power’s main characters, before dying in the previous season. According to him, it was necessary in order to progress and thicken the plot of the series.
Episode 3 is a prime example of the versatile 50 Cent. From start to finish, the episode is fit to be called “The Massacre,” due to its bloody scenes and details. Instead, it was entitled, “Forgot About Dre.” The first two episodes barely included Rotimi’s character, Dre. During the episode’s first minutes [SPOILER ALERT], Dre is meeting with Agent Donovan and his crew at a protective custody safe house to take Dre to court. In a matter of minutes, the crew is ambushed by members of the Jimenez Cartel, leaving only Dre and his daughter alive. After saving Dre’s life, Dre murders Donovan all while holding his daughter. In an attempt to escape, he is caught and brought back into custody to testify.
While Ghost and Tommy remain at odds, Jason demands that both of them kidnap Alicia Jimenez, while in federal custody. Tommy outsmarts Ghost in the task, to both his and Jason’s surprise. Jason then murders Alicia Jimenez and waives on of Tommy’s payments to him. At the end of the episode conclusion of the episode, Ghost offers that he and Tommy team up to take down Jason after he insults Tommy’s past inefficiencies. There is no denying Ghost and Tommy’s capability as a team. On the other hand, while apart, their success rate is unpredictable. Tommy denies the offer. Ghost should have expected that based on the number of times he has chosen him over people he cared for.
After Alicia Jimenez is kidnapped, Dre assumes he is off the hook. Instead, he is enlisted to help arrest Ghost.
The plot thickens in episode 3, leaving viewers hungry for the next episode. One of the best parts of the episode is 50 Cent’s decision to return to the original “Big Rich Town” theme song. Power fans are elated.