6ix9ine’s Testimony Names Jim Jones as Member of Nine Trey Bloods, Recording Used in Court

The jokes on the Internet has been about how Tekashi 6ix9ine is telling on everybody while he is on the stand delivering his testimony against former association Anthony “Harv” Ellison and Aljermiah “Nuke” Mack. In a wild turn to this already crazy three days of testifying, 6ix9ine has named Jim Jones as a member of the Nine Trey Gangsta Bloods.

Twitter has been following along with Tekashi’s statements via the Inner City Press tweet stream and was surprised to see 6ix9ine mention the Dipset Capo, which he refers to as a “retired rapper.”

XXL details Jones and 6ix9ine had been seen together prior to the latter’s arrest. In an interview with The Cruz Show, Jones deemed 6ix9ine “unmentionable” for some of his moves.

“He did some actions that he can’t come back from, so his name non-mentionable. If you a rat, then you’re a rat forever. That’s a subject we don’t even have to touch on,” Jones said.

Following 6ix9ine confirming the identity of Jones, prosecutors played a phone call that allegedly has the “We Fly High” rapper stating 6ix9ine is no longer a gang member.