Do you remember the Guava Island film Donald Glover and Rihanna teased us a while back? Well, it’s coming to us sooner rather than later. It will be released on Amazon Prime and during Coachella weekend. Gambino tweeted that he will be putting it on the streaming services for free after his Coachella performance.

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It will appear on the platform at 12:01 a.m. on the dot to be watched for 18 hours. It is described as a “tropical thriller” that was shot in Havana, Cuba. On that Saturday, if you don’t have that platform, it will be live streamed on Coachella’s YouTube page at 5:00 p.m. The film is about “a local musician who is determined to throw a festival for everyone to enjoy.” The film is written by Stephen Glover and directed by Hiro Murai.


Peep a small snippet of the trailer below.