Iggy Azalea Signs With Interscope


Iggy Azalea is taking her talents to Interscope Records. The announcement comes today to close out the week as she announced her new album The New Classic, is slated for a June release. 


Iggy states, “If only you couldve all known me since i was 14 first doing this until now… its been such a long road to get my foot in this door. I couldnt have done it without you guys and i truly do mean that. without it couldnt have happened. Now its my job to say thankyou for supporting me by creating a great album for you! #thenewclassic. Im really happy i get a shot and a chance to be as great as the effort i put in… and ill be putting in MAX effort! 🙂 love you azaleans!”

Seems like Jimmy Iovine loves what he sees and hears. Congrats Iggy!

– Sean Lynch (@Kiddfuture)