Young Jeezy Announced his Hustlerz Ambition tour dates a short time ago. The CTE captain will kick off the tour March 3rd in Washington DC and continue into April 6th in Montreal. Check below for a forecast of the Snowman’s upcoming tour.
– Sean Lynch (@Kiddfuture)
March 3 Washington DC Fillmore
March 4 New York, NY Irving Plaza
March 5 Boston, MA House of Blues
March 6 Hartford, CT The Dome
March 8 Philadelphia, PA Theatre of Living Arts
March 9 Cincinnati, OH Bogart’s
March 10 Detroit, MI Fillmore
March 11 Cleveland, OH House of Blues
March 12 Indianapolis, IN Egyptian Room
March 13 Chicago, IL (TBA)
March 20 Las Vegas, NV House of Blues
March 21 San Diego, CA House of Blues
March 22 Los Angeles, CA House of Blues
March 24 San Francisco, CA (TBA)
March 27 Seattle, WA Neptune
March 28 Vancouver, B.C. Gossip Nightclub
March 29 Edmonton, Alb. Edmonton Events Centre
March 30 Calgary, Alb. Flames Central
March 31 Saskatoon, Sask. The Odeon Theatre
April 1 Winnipeg, Man. The Pantages Theatre
April 5 Toronto, Ont. Sound Academy
April 6 Montreal, Que. Olympia Theatre