Nicki Minaj Wins The Source Magazine’s Woman Of The Year

Is there another woman who comes close?

While men have to pick great beats, compose records, and mastermind their lyrics, women in rap have to do the same—and look good doing it. Having capped off a successful 2011 campaign, the YMCMB princess didn’t slow down in 2012. Starting the year off with one hell of an exorcism at the Grammys, touching down at both the SuperBowl and NBA All-star games, dropping her sophomore album Roman Reloaded in April, and then following up with hit after hit and video after video, Nicki worked harder than most men have to. Radio-friendly singles like “Starships,” “Pound the Alarm,” “Beez in the Trap,” “Right by My Side,” and “Va Va Voom,” kept Nicki in front of the camera throughout the entire year. She even took her show on the road in May of 2012, launching a memorable tour. And then there was the drama that kept her in the headlines. Whether it was taking on NYC radio station Hot 97 and refusing to take the stage after jock Peter Rosenberg made some disparaging comments against her or telling Mariah Carey she was going to knock her out on the set of American Idol, Nicki showed off her inner diva in way that few others could.

– Sean Lynch (@Kiddfuture)