Nas Forced To Check In To Hospital With Vertigo Symptoms

Nas was rushed to the hospital early friday morning with vertigo symptoms.


The Life Is Good emcee was scheduled to appear on Live with Kelly and Michael on Friday but was forced to cancel his appearance. Vertigo symptoms include loss of balance, dizziness and lack of direction. In the last few months, Nas has been on a heavy run promoting his Def Jam hit album, Life Is Good.

No further news has been offered as to when the Queensbridge rapper will be rescheduled. Nas gave us an update via Twitter, “Peace y’all. I’m out of the ER & doin alright. I’m on bed rest for a few. Apologies to everyone @ Live w/ Kelly & Michael. I’ll make it up.”

Rest up Nasir.

– Sean Lynch (@Kiddfuture)

Props: DX