Today’s Mathematics


Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge Understanding all being Born to Culture

Peace to all! Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge Understanding all being Born to Culture. Knowledge Understanding means to observe all things with your 3rd eye in order to have a proper Understanding. Knowledge gives one a clear picture of all ways of life, however, coupled with Understanding, both principles gives one the ability to Master and live according to the Culture of the Original people,which is I-God. Once one is taught the Knowledge and Understanding of their true way of life, they will continue daily to teach their Culture and share the science of everything in life(Love, Peace, & Happiness) with everyone in their Cipher.


If a way of life has not been identified and defined for a person or group of people, a way of death will be subconsciously adopted as an expected occurrence and accepted as a normality. In America, police terrorism has been for the most part accepted among Original people as a normal practice because most of those who are victimized by its practices have not searched to find the origin of what causes all these things to happen. When you have cases like Mario Romero, who was killed in front of his daughter by Vallejo Police in Northern Cali, or David Silva, who was beaten to death while he begged for his life, it is incumbent that the cause of these atrocities are found before more people are victimized and more families have to suffer. Those who challenge the system of aggression and oppression proactively, like Sister Assata, are ostracized by society at large, then neutralized without recourse. By the way, was Jay-Z and his wife used as a pawn by the government to draw attention to that feminine thorn in the government’s backside? Conspiracy theorists may conspire, however, mere coincidence is not a good enough excuse as to why Dame Dash is claiming he’s broke at the same damn time.

Knowledge Understanding is simply the proof of the growth and development of what we know into how we perceive the people, places, and things around us. That develops into our thought process and character, which is viewed as our Culture or way of life. Our names, language, and apparel are surface aspects of our culture. When you can identify how these normalities become a part of your everyday life and have sole control of them, then you can become a Master. Peace!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)