Today’s Mathematics


Today’s Mathematics is Wisdom Culture all being Born to Equality

Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Wisdom Culture all being Born to Equality. Wisdom is the manifestation and activation of one’s Knowledge and Culture is one’s way of life. The unique way in which each person manifests their mind on a daily basis is how their Equality or ability to be Equal is seen and heard in any Cipher. When one speaks or shows the greatness of their Culture, contributions such as the said language, social & political systems, and even names of that are common within that Culture are recognized Equally among all human families, yet attributed to the Culture of its origin.


American Culture continues to have the heaviest global influence that any other nation, mainly because the allure of life in America is so attractive in other countries. By keeping the international public’s attention on the sensationalism of the rich and famous “lifestyle”, which the media refers to as “Westernized”, the injustices that occur under guise of American life are all. It ignored. People in the U.S. brag about the technological advances of the world’s super power, however, when children like 12 year old Gabrielle Molina are cyber-bullied into suicide, it proves that American civilization is at a standstill at best. Race issues haven’t changed, even among Black people who have supposedly “made it”. Yesterday, someone placed a Sambo figure at the gravesite of the late, renowned actor Michael Clarke Duncan in Hollywood Hills. As revolutionary Eldridge Cleaver once stated, “Racism is American as apple pie.” Violence is just as common in this great country. Whether it’s Chief Keef publicly saying that he wants to slap the sh!t out of Katy Perry, the drunken gunman who shot up a Philly strip club with an AK-47, or the ongoing Trayvon Martin saga, which will be going to into trial phase within the next few weeks, nobody would’ve ever thought that movies from John Wayne and Clint Eastwood would help to create such a violent society. People want to blame rappers for the violence in this country, but they’re just as responsible as Yosemite Sam.

Wisdom Culture simply means to let your words, ways, and actions reflect the way of life that you profess to the world. If the United States announces to the rest of the world that we are about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, then all of the citizens should be a reflection or an exception to those principles or else those principles can only be viewed intended goals. Peace to all!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)