Today’s Mathematics

Today's Math

Today’s Mathematics is Understanding

Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Understanding. Understanding is clear comprehension which is drawn up through the Knowledge and Wisdom that one has acquired and is perfectly Understood when seen through the third eye, otherwise known as the mind. Understanding is the best part because it allows you to see things for what they actually are instead of what they just appear or present themselves to be. Understanding also represents one’s direction because it allows one to See what the future holds.


Understanding is also symbolic to the children, who are the most important aspect of the future. The children must be educated, nurtured, and protected or the future is guaranteed to be full of peril. In certain neighborhoods in America like Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, the children are constantly in danger, like Tayloni Mazyck, the 11 year old that was shot in the neck and paralyzed in a gun battle between teenagers yesterday. Just the fact that it was another child who shot this beautiful little girl known as “Tutu”, is more than enough proof that it’s more than just the illegal weapons that are the problem in these communities. Maybe it’s the principles and values(or lack thereof) of those whose authority they are under that the children emulate and reflect, whether that be their parents or their government representatives. Take for instance former President Bill Clinton, whose personal life has resurfaced and helped others see that he wasn’t as a person everybody thought he was when he played the sax on Arsenio. Clinton is being claimed as the father of 27 year old Danny Lee Williams Jr., who was believed to have been conceived during an encounter the former President had with a prostitute. With his mother having passed a lie detector test and the past history of Clinton, it looks like this story may end up on Maury. In the latest Kim K/Kanye news, Kardashian patriarch on duty Bruce Jenner has claimed that West has never been around the family since it was announced that him and the famed Kardashian were expecting a child, now confirmed to be a little girl. Doesn’t he Understand how busy Yeezus is nowadays? It was just an opportunity to put West’s fatherhood capabilities under the microscope as is done with all celebrity fathers. At least wait to see if he pops his head in Kim’s baby shower today. 

Understanding is simply insight. This is what is meant when someone asks, “Do you see what I’m saying?” In order to really open that third eye and See the reality of Self and other Ciphers around us, the Knowledge and Wisdom of the said Cipher are prerequisites. Seeing things for what they are and not what they seem is the key principle in Understanding. Peace to all!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)