Today’s Mathematics

Today's Math

Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge Cipher all being Born to Knowledge

Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge add a Cipher all being Born to Knowledge. This means that what you Know and have acquired through intense study will add on in a conducive way to any Cipher, showing and proving that the Knowledge that one possesses is indeed Supreme.  A cipher is any person, place, or thing that is complete within its own nature.


The top of the order of the day has to be the Trayvon Martin trial. The question that is latent, yet brewing in everyone’s mind is what will be the outcome of this ever so common tragic scenario in the American justice system? Will the people lay down and accept it or will they rebel as was done in the recent past with Rodney King? The fact that the case itself is going to serve as a blueprint to America’s majority on how to kill a “n****r” is enough evidence to know that any type of violent rebellion is senseless. The question still stands. What are we going to do to prevent the killing of black people, especially children,  with no retribution? Do the people know how to react to a situation like that of Jessie Thorton, a man who was arrested in Arizona for Driving Under The Influence after the sobriety test given to him by the Suprise(yes, really) Police Department revealed he had no alcohol in his blood? In actuality, Knowing how to be more proactive in making sure that we are respected as a people is more effective than begging for the respect you already deserve as a member of the human families.

Knowledge Cipher simply means to know your surroundings. Know the people around you, their strengths and weaknesses, and how you can help them or the best way to keep them away from you. The decisions you make with the Knowledge you possess now will forever effect your life. Whether its postive or negative depends on you. Peace!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)