This-is-the-End-Film-PosterWhat would you do if you’re at a cool party when something terribly wrong happens and you’re forced to survive with your best friends? You continue partying of course!

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This week, The Source Magazine was invited to a special FIJI Water and SVEDKA Vodka screening of “This is the End.” The film is a story about partying, drugs, sex, bromances and of course, the apocalypse. Six “best friends,” Seth Rogan, James Franco, Jay Baruchel, Craig Robison, Jonah Hill and Danny McBride, find themselves in James Franco’s house after the unexplainable has happened. With numerous guests at the party and chaos running amok all in a short period of time, the main characters come together to deal with the problem at hand – there is an apocalyptic world outside waiting to end their lives.


In this entertaining film written and directed by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, the characters are the actual actors themselves that refer to each other’s real life names as well as the films they starred in. They find their friendships being tested as they fight to survive the end of the world.

Based off of a short called Seth and Jay vs. The Apocalypse, ( the film closely depicts what goes through everyone’s mind in the time of struggle. What will they do to survive? For all they know, they are the only ones left alive in the world and they are inside playing with James Franco’s paintings and statues, sleeping together since they’re scared, and so on.

We really loved this film since it had everything imaginable. It was extremely funny (the last film that made me laugh was “Blazing Saddles.”) And the best part was that because the actors were playing who they were and they knew each other, the onscreen chemistry really kicked off and made the viewer just feel that much more involved in the film. Besides that, the film did cause a few people to jump out of their seats. Although it is a comedy, if Rogen and Goldberg wanted to, they could have easily made a horror film and it would still be just as good.

Just as an FYI, “This is the End” is nothing like “Scary Movie.” It is the complete opposite. The humor is brilliant and besides that, the use of suspense is done so well in the film that there were times when I and the audience did gasp in fear and shock.

“This is the End” is a must see for anyone who needs a laugh and is very compelling. The film left me wanting more and anyone who goes to see it will love, too.

“This is the End” is now playing.

-Catherina Gioino