Mike Dean’s Twitter conversation with Hudson Mohawke reveals ‘Watch The Throne 2’ is in the works.
Ye’s producer Mike Dean may have spilled the beans about the actuality of Watch The Throne 2 a little early in his Twitter conversation with fellow producer Hudson Mohawke.
It started with Hudson’s honest, disgruntled tweet expressing how he felt about Jay-Z’s Magna Carta Holy Grail.
Hudson tweeted at Dean, “I think it’s lazy… just my honest opinion,” along with “no negativity,” solidifying it was just constructive criticism at best.
Dean returned with “don’t burn your bridge for WTT2!”
August 8th, Watch The Throne was released to the public, a few months shy today from its two year anniversary. Could this tweet be the spark that makes a sequel to Ye & HOV’s first collaborative album reality?
Check the tweets below and let us know how you think this will all play out. Sequel or no sequel; you decide.
@HudMo all g, just we’re all fam. don’t burn your bridge for WTT 2!
— MIKE DEAN!!!!!!! (@therealmikedean) July 5, 2013
@HudMo yep. It’s happening.
— MIKE DEAN!!!!!!! (@therealmikedean) July 5, 2013
– John Weber (@JohnPaulWeber)