Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge Knowledge all being Born to Wisdom
Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge Knowledge all being Born to Wisdom. When you make your Knowledge Known, it must be manifested in a Wise way in order to make the blind see it, the deaf hear it, and the dumb speak it. Wisdom is the intellectual expression of one’s acquired Knowledge, which is manifested on two planes; words and actions. Actions speak louder than words only when the listener is unable to gain an appropriate Understanding of what was heard. Knowledge is identity and the purpose of gaining the Knowledge of Self is to Know who we are so that we can righteously identify with each other.
As the George Zimmerman murder case enters into closing arguments, the question that is raising more and more concern even before the jury has reached a verdict is what are Black people going to do if fat boy gets found innocent? It is Understood that the justice system has rarely worked for Original people, however, is it Wise to riot, pillage and possibly take more lives? Organized resistance against oppression is being Wise. Rioting, especially in your own neighborhood, is just being dumb. If this is what has sparked the revolution inside of you, go outside on your block and tell the drug dealers and killers among you to keep the community you live in safe. And Bill O’Reilly is right. Sort of. He claims that the violent crime rate in this country is solely because of Black males, which is true if you leave out rape and violent crimes against children. Then who’s to blame? In the third day of California’s state prison hunger strike, 29,000 inmates are showing the meaning of solidarity, transcending race, age, and sexual preference. If all the human families on planet could just achieve that level of civility and organization as thousands of murderers, thieves, rapists, and drug dealers have done, then civilization may just have a chance.
Knowledge Knowledge means to know what you know rather than think what you know. Actual facts that can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt is the Power of a Wise man or woman. Speculation and gossip is good for the headlines, but nothing has more worth than knowing the Truth and living accordingly. Peace!
-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)
What are black folks going to do if Fat Boy George Zimmerman gets off, who I must add didn’t get fat until white supremacists started feeding him, NOT A DAMN THING. Why? Because we are too busy worrying about who’s going to win the next basketball game, what’s happening on these stupid ass reality shows, what’s the next video game coming out, and plain out too busy being entertained. People need to wake the fuck up and see what is going on around them because if this BOY gets off it could be YOUR son next. It will be a free for all on the our young black men out here.