Matt Kemp Thinks Ryan Braun Should Lose His 2011 MVP Award

matt kemp

Matt Kemp feels robbed and rightfully so

Back in 2011 the Brewers’ Ryan Braun and the Dodgers’ Matt Kemp went head to head in the MVP race. Kemp who posted a near 40/40 season (39 HRs and 40 SBs) ended up losing the MVP to the Milwaukee slugger. Now with Braun’s PED suspension the Los Angeles Times asked Kemp if he thinks Braun should be stripped of his MVP award.


Kemp responded with; “Do I feel like it should be stripped? I mean, yeah, I do. I feel like it should be, but that’s not for me to decide, you know?”

While Kemp believes that Braun should be stripped of his MVP he has also said that he did finish second. Basically saying Braun should lose the award, but he (Kemp) should not receive it. This is reminiscent of the Reggie Bush/Vince Young Heisman Trophy debate.

Let us know what you think, should Braun lose his MVP trophy?

– John McAuliffe (@John_Mac310)

Source – Los Angeles Times