Today’s Mathematics

Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge Build Or Destroy all being Born to Born

Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Knowledge Build or Destroy all being Born to Born. Today’s mathematical reality teaches that one must Know how to Build and add on to a Cipher productively while simultaneously Destroying and doing away with that which is not conducive to the growth and development of the Cipher. Knowing what and how to Build is a responsibility that must be fulfilled by all civilized nations of the planet in order for a world of Love, Peace, and Happiness to become a reality! Knowledge is the foundation and Build is the science of elevation, so by adding the two principles, nothing is beyond the possibility of being brought into reality.

Do you have a plan? Anyone that Knows how to Build Understands the necessity of having a plan, executing it to perfection, so that the desired goal is achieved. After months of enduring the pain from the Trayvon Martin injustice, the media portrayed the political arena as making a proactive attempt in assuring that these types of murders that are primarily occurring with Black males are eradicated. Why wasn’t a federal plan in place to ensure that this wouldn’t happen again as it just did with Jonathan Ferrell in Charlotte, NC. That young man couldn’t even seek help after an accident because of a conditioned fear of Black men in America. It’s being further reinforced with the case of Aaron Alexis, the DC Navy Yard shooter who killed 12 innocent people, however, a plan is being put in place so that won’t happen again. It’s imperative that young brothers develop a plan of defense for themselves, which begins in the mind. Mark Wahlberg realized the importance of a plan, recently acquiring his high school diploma. In a great promotion for education, the multi million dollar actor, producer, and director who dropped out of school in the 9th grade made an essential statement by going back to school for his diploma. It’s a just that our people Destroy the idea that education is not beneficial for us. Any plan in his society that doesn’t include some form of education, is bound to fail.


Knowledge Build simply means to recognize growth and add on to it when necessary. That is the only way that a person can change their reality for the better. When you Know how to Build, no matter the circumstance, your thoughts and ideas can never be Destroyed. Peace to all!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)