Chris Brown Released, Charge Reduced To Misdemeanor Assault

ChrisBrown3Over the weekend,  TMZ reported Chris Brown’s arrest, which took place in Washington D.C. outside the W Hotel. Allegedly, Brown got into an argument with a man and began punching him.

Soon after the altercation, the R&B singer was arrested along with his bodyguard and charged with felony assault.

Several claims have been revealed detailing the argument between the two men.


According to TMZ, “The victim says he was trying to get a pic with Chris and Brown allegedly said, ‘I ain’t down wit that gay s**t.’ The victim told cops he responded by saying, ‘Why you hoing?’ Chris then said, ‘I feel like boxing.’ The victim says Chris then threw the punch and the victim says he then squared off with Chris and then the bodyguard also hit the victim in the face.

According to the victim, after the bodyguard punched him, Chris got BEHIND the bodyguard and screamed,

‘Yeah, walk away.’”

Luckily for Brown, the felony assault charge has been reduced to a misdemeanor assault. Brown could have faced up to 4 years in prison due to being on probation from his previous incident with Rihanna.

Chris pled not guilty and was released without bail.

Stay tuned for updates.