Today’s Mathematics (Justice is the Reward or Penalty)

Today’s Mathematics is Wisdom Build or Destroy all being Born to Knowledge add Cipher all being Born to Knowledge

Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Wisdom Build or Destroy all being Born to Knowledge Cipher, which all Born to Knowledge. The way that your intelligence is applied shows whether your words and actions are conducive or destructive to a situation. When words and ways are Wise, Knowledge is added on to the Cipher and Destroys all that is not right and exact. Having Knowledge of any particular Cipher gives one the choice to be productive with what they Know. That which is positive and productive is Destroyed in majority by those who don’t possess the proper Knowledge nor Know its worth.

In science, there is a law that states that every cause has an effect and that every action has an equal, yet opposite reaction. This effect or reaction is always followed by a result, which many people do not fully Understand until it is too late. This morning, Dr. Conrad Murray was released from jail after serving two years of his four year sentence for his role in the death of music icon Michael Jackson. Many people have speculated as to who was directly responsible for the death of the living legend and conspiracy theorists even suggested that Jackson was murdered, however, there is no doubt that Dr. Murray knows exactly what he did to contribute to his death and why he was served Justice. Was Murray the fall guy? Of course. Chris Brown is getting reacquainted with the criminal justice system after being arrested yesterday for punching a man in the face for trying to photo bomb him in front of his tour bus. C’mon Chris. You see that the industry is trying desperately to replace artists such as yourself, Usher, and MJ with Robin Thicke, Justin Timberlake, and the like, so why fall into the evident trap? With the alleged homophobic epithet being thrown at the victim and Brown still on probation from the Rihanna incident, he can blame no one but himself when he has to sit behind bars for a season or two. As we are in the full swing of fall and Halloween is all around us, there are some people that are devilish all year round. Two white teens, Greg Cimeno and his friend William Filene thought it would be “fun” to dress up as Neighborhood Watch fat boy George Zimmerman and a hoodied, bloody Trayvon Martin for the All Hallow’s Eve pagan holy day. Filene, who dressed as Martin complete with blackface and a bullet wound in the chest and Cimeno, who wore a black t-shirt reading “Neighborhood Watch”, posted a pic via Cimeno’s sister Caitlin’s Instagram of their disturbing costumes. And some wonder how the title “devil” was earned.


Wisdom Build or Destroy means what you do will either make you or break you and you will be guaranteed a reward or penalty, depending on what was done. A reward goes to the Savior and a penalty goes to the traitor. Peace to all!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)