Black Paper Records present Klassik Frescobar

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“I’m not a one dimensional person, so I don’t make one dimensional music, ” Klassik explains. “I write about love, hate, drugs, streets and everything in between. As long as it’s real and from the heart people will love it. ”

Born in the late 80’s, the 24 year old Bronx native feels his perspective may be the formula to his success. This outlook has earned him features from various artist in the industry. “I sent them the music. They liked it… the rest is history.” Back in 2009, Klassik released his “Back for Revenge” mixtape hosted by DJ Diggz, DJ Lust and Evil Empire. This tape put his neighborhood into a frenzy. “That’s when my fans started to call me “ The Bronx Hiroshima”. It was a spin on the term “Bronx Bomber”


In following up to the popularity of “Back for Revenge” , Klassik released “Sleep When I Die”. Changing his local buzz to another platform. “It happened fast. That tape was everywhere! I started putting out videos and they’d end up on Worldstar the next day.” Shortly after the April 2010 debut of “Sleep When I Die “, Klassik was arrested and sentenced for a robbery charge stemming from an incident in 2009. To support his loyal fanbase, he released the “Free Klassik EP” availabile at: and iTunes. “ I had to let the fans know that it wasn’t over’. The fan support is undeniable. Fans took pictures with “Free Klassik” gear (shirts, stickers, chains) and flooded Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Klassik is due to be released from prison spring 2014. For music and information visit: