Former member of G-Unit Masaradi Fox Murdered


R.I.P Mazaradi Fox.

Early yesterday, a gunman approached a SUV on Farmers Boulevard in Queens and opened fire. The passengers were G-Unit affiliate Mazaradi Fox (Jamal Green) as well as 3 other passengers. The 3 other passengers were injured as well, however the three other passengers are currently alive and being treated at Jamaica Hospital.


Jamal Green was instrumental in the raising of D’Aja Robinson, who was killed earlier in 2013 with a stray bullet entering a MTA bus.

Although never officially signed to G-Unit, Mazaradi Fox was a longtime friend of 50 cent. After hearing news of Mazaradi’s passing, 50 Cent released a statement on the death, expressing sadness for this tragic circumstance.

Our prayers go out to Mr. Green’s family, as well as the three other passengers with him during this tragic situation. We hope that peace prevails during this tragic time in Queens.