Federal Auditors Are Looking Into New Jersey’s Use Of Superstorm Sandy Funds

Bridgegate Scandal Insert

Federal auditors are looking at New Jersey’s use of Superstorm Sandy relief funds for ads that featured Governor Christie, opening a new front of potential trouble as the governor deals with a scandal over aides’ apparently politically motivated closure of access lanes to the George Washington Bridge.

Christie’s spokesman, Colin Reed, said the governor’s office was confident the review would find the ads “were a key part in helping New Jersey get back on its feet after being struck by the worst storm in state history.”


Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a potential rival of Christie’s for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, called the ads “offensive” at a hearing on Sandy recovery in November, where he questioned HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan.

“Some of these ads, people who are running for office put their mug all over the ads while they’re in the middle of a political campaign. In New Jersey, $25 million was spent on ads that included somebody running for political office,” Paul said. “There might be a conflict of interest here.”

As this story continues to play out, one question seems to be left unanswered: if Governor Christie didn’t know about anything involved in this scandal, why didn’t he?

– Scott Randell (@DefinedByMvsic)