What kind of power do you see in the dollar sign? You include it in a lot of your pieces.
To me, it is a false idol. We have been brainwashed to believe that there lies great power in the dollar. You want to talk about God and worshiping an idol? People worship money. No matter what form of currency-euro, peso, rupee… everyone seems to be willing to shed sweat, blood, and tears for the “almighty” dollar. So using this symbol on my clothing allows those who wear it to feel as if they are a God-like a way of dictating one’s personal value to society, through the wearing of the garment.
What is the meaning behind the “=$” and “F*ck English” designs?
The meaning behind the “=$” is that YOU as a being equals value. As far as the “f*ck english”, personally I dislike how America looks down upon indigenous cultures. How America seemingly forces the learning of the English language, to the rest of the world and/or the immigrant public.
Why is your clothing line so black and white? What is the reason you avoid colors?
The reason why I use only black and white is, because it is clean. It is bold and strong. That being said, both those colors are shades that since forever people have been trying to separate. It’s simply just easy to understand, from the beginning to the end. Light… darkness… life… death. The relationship between the two is relative.
Why do you include Japanese in your pieces?
I admire the Japanese culture, from their discipline to their influence in fashion. In terms of layering, their samurai Kindo designs have served as great inspiration; also, the usage of the color black in the Japanese goth sub-culture.
There seems to be a lot of symmetry in your pieces. Is this deliberate? If so, why?
The symmetry in the brand is used as a way to preserve consistency. It is deliberate, so that when people see the pieces they know exactly which brand it is. None other than, Sav Noir.
What’s next for Sav Noir?
What’s next for Sav Noir is a crossing over into the overseas market: maintaining a strong presence and manifesting respect in the fashion world, through continual growth. One of the fundamentals of having a long lasting brand is consistency. This is part of my formula, to be around for a very long time. Therefore, be prepared to witness upcoming fashion shows, trade-show appearances, and brand acknowledgment by well respected public figures. Stay tuned, you will see. After all, actions speak louder than words.