Her Source: Beat the Winter Beauty Blues With Style Network’s Krystle Couso

dry cracked skin, beauty, exfoliate


Exfoliating is just as important as hydrating.


Exfoliating removes the top layer of dead skin cells, allowing moisturizers and other products to soak in better.

Exfoliate once a week.

However, don’t use body scrubs on your face—they’re too harsh.  Look for a product that is specifically made for the face.

You can also exfoliate your lips; this will help keep them soft and kissable.

I like to make my own exfoliating mixes; there are tons of recipes online that involve household ingredients you have at home, like sugar.  Sugar on a warm wash cloth is a mild but effective lip and face scrub.

Another favorite of mine is dry brushing, which is exactly what it sounds like:  a brush used on the skin in a circular motion, generally before showering.  (It also stimulates circulation and has been said to help reduce the appearance of cellulite!)