Yeezus Tour Returns With All New Enemies, Wassup Sway

Yeezus, Kanye West, X Games, ESPN, SummerKanye West is back on the road again, so you know what that means: new secret tracks, more masks, crazy mountains, and rants—oh the glorious rants. Yeezus has been Ye’s platform to air out everything that has been bothering him over the past few years, and he hasn’t held anything back. Attacking the fashion industry for their marginalizing schemes, television stations, and even the Chicago Bulls for letting Michael Jordan play for the Washington Wizards.

Last night, he started the second leg of the tour in College Station,  Pennsylvania and he wasn’t in the mood to share any brotherly love. After his highly publicized and  critiqued interviews with Sway and Charlemagne , Kanye finally had his response to share. Sway still doesn’t have the answers, but now he hasn’t done anything worth noting these past ten years.

“What the f**k did you do? What have you done with the past 10 years of your motherf**king life? Charlamagne1? Sway!? What have you done? F**k you did? … I AM YEEZUS.”


“We thinking about Shakespeare, Beethoven” nuff said.

Jimi (@Nativejimi)