Her Source Bookclub: The Circle: Fallon’s Story By Danielle Santiago

Her Source Bookclub take a look at The Circle: Fallon’s Story by Danielle Santiago
The Circle: Fallon's Story-The Source

The Circle: Fallon’s Story is written by Danielle Santiago

The book is about The Porter Family and how they are left to fend for themselves after their parents die in a car accident. Things were all good until they get arrested for their crimes. Luckily for them, they were able to escape and flee to Mexico. The family consists of twin brother and sister Rain and Dayvid, sisters Fallon and Autumn. This family is a true example of what it means to survive on your own.


The one thing about this family that you don’t know is that they are known to steal anything they lay their eyes on. They were one fearless family and no one was going to break their bond as they learn and nurture each other. You know the saying, ‘All good must come to an end.’ Without giving too much away about what happens let’s just say there is a death with one of the characters.

This is one book that would keep you reading for more. Santiago paints a picture of what it is like for a girl that lives in a life of crime. If you ever read a Danielle Santiago book you would know that her stories creates a vision that is made like a movie. Currently, the author keeps us guesting as she is getting ready for her next book but this time it’s all about Autumn and she started a foundation called Mischievious Girl Foundation, which is dedicated to helping women who have been abused and is living in the inner city. 

The book is available now in stores and on Amazon. Check out their website here to see her catalog.

-Matia (@ms_hip_hop)