Pink and Top Dawg Entertainment seems to be the common denominator for Billboard’s next issue. The cover is featuring the two “Collard Greens,” artist Kendrick Lamar and Schoolboy Q . The magazine plans to focus on hip hop’s newest influential rappers leading into SXSW. Billboard is smart, Schoolboy Q’s album Oxymoron is planned to take the number one spot on the charts next week.
The duo step their style game up, incorporating some of Cam’ron‘s famous hot pink swag.
The cover pops out with the words Billboard in pink lettering matching Kendrick’s (almost pink) “Yeezy’s'” sneakers and Schoolboy Q’s pink TDE hoodie. Both artist deserve the recognition. This could actually be the cover to stamp the mind’s of hip hops youth, gaining the magazine a group of new rap intellectuals.
Tiy Hampton, @_tiy_