lupe soul

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Lyricism overload

Lupe Fiasco has two classic albums to his name and Ab-Soul is widely heralded as one of the most skilled rappers in the business, so eat your Wheaties before you press play on this. Lu’s prepping his new album, Tetsuo & Youth, and after conducting a successful nationwide tour, Fiasco has been releasing new music non-stop, including last week’s collaboration with Ty Dolla $ign and today’s newest.


“Thorns & Horns”, produced by Flosstradamus, is an almost arrogant showcase of really good rapping. At this point, its a wonder Lupe hasn’t packaged all this new music into a mixtape, but if this is what we’re getting for free to prepare us for the album, no one’s complaining.

Except maybe Chief Keef.

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