Her Source Exclusive: Kimberly DeAzevedo Talks With Us About Opening New York City’s First Holistic Vapor Lounge

Her Source got a chance to sit down with herbalist, Kimberly DeAzevedo and she talked with us exclusively about becoming the first woman to open New York City’s First Holistic Vapor Lounge and the trend of brand vaporizers.

Kimberly DeAzevedo-The SourceCheck out the interview below.

What made you become an herbalist?


Kimberly DeAzevedo: A number of things, growing up I was always fascinated with nature and loved animals. I became more involved with herbs when I moved to California, I spent a summer growing medicinal herbs, making edibles, herbal extracts and being a caregiver. Yoga is also a big part of my life which goes hand in hand with living a wholistic lifestyle and using herbs to help me maintain my health.

What was the inspiration behind the lounge?

KD: The inspiration behind the lounge was to create a social healing environment and give people a place to use and learn about the benefits healing herbs have to offer, and bring back these remedies that have been used for thousands of years, now through vaporization. Seeing that vaporizers are now a huge trend, I thought it would be great to have a place where people can learn about the proper uses of vaporizers with medicinal herbs. The lounge also includes a herbal tea bar for those who prefer herbal infusions with their vapor.

What kind of brand vaporizer do you use?

KD: The kind of brand vaporizer that I use and are offered for use at my lounge is the Volcano vaporizer from Storz & Bickel and portable handheld vaporizers from Atmos. It has become a big trend today with many different brands but I stick with the same vaporizer I started with when I discovered the Volcano 10 years ago.

How do you feel about celebrities using vaporizers?

KD: Now that it has become a trend I have seen a lot of celebrities using hand held vaporizers, but I have yet to see or hear of any celebrities using vaporizers for the purpose of healing with medicinal herbs, but if they are using them for that purpose, I think it’s great because it brings more awareness to using vaporizers for the right purpose. That’s why I created my line of herbal “E-lixirs,” herbal extracts to be used in portable vaporizers for healing purposes.

What is your advice for those that want to become an herbalist?

KD: The advice that I would give to those that want to become an herbalist, I would tell them to educate themselves as much as they can on medicinal herbs because there is so much to be learned about these herbs, take it seriously, and lead a holistic lifestyle.

Vape Lounge NYC – located at 246 E 5th st. (Btwn 2nd ave and Cooper), NY, NY 10003 – is open Mon-Sat from 2pm-8pm.

More info at COMEVAPE.COM
Purchase your E-lixir juice for your vaporizer -healing on the go at E-lixirvape.com 

You could follow the lounge on Instagram at @VapeLoungenyc

-Matia (@ms_hip_hop)