SadderDay: Twitter Tweaks Popular Television Titles With #SadTVShows


Who wouldn’t wanna watch “Murdered, She Was”?

Twitter is on a roll once again today with a funny trending topic that everybody is jumping on. Started on a recent episode of @Midnight on Comedy Central, host Chris Hardwick put three comedians head to head to play #HashtagWars, with the hilarious topic being #SadTVShows. They were forced to edit the names of popular television shows and make them tragic. As funny as they were on the show with titles like “How I Met The Guy I Think Might Be Your Father” and “Full House of Children Orphaned by the Earthquake in Haiti,” the ones from the Twitter world will have you on the floor. Take a look at the 20 most hilarious ones from the trending topic below.


Join in on the fun, too. Click here.

-Kairi C. (@_findingforever)