Piers Morgan Is Signing Off Of CNN

piers_morgan-300x168Piers Morgan ended his CNN news show friday night with a bang!

After three years on air, Piers Morgan Live, came to a close with a plea for stricter gun control laws. Gun legislation has always been a huge platform for Morgan, so it was no surprise that he ended his show on this level.

Citing the colorado movie theater shooting and Newton, CT Sandyhook elementary school shooting, to promote his pro gun control views. “I assumed that after 70 people were shot in a movie theater and then, just a few months later, 20 first-graders were murdered with an assault rifle in an elementary school, the absurd gun laws in this country would change,” he said. “But nothing has happened. The gun lobby in America, led by the NRA, has bullied this nation’s politicians into cowardly, supine silence.”

Never one to hold back, his viewers and fans are sad to see his show coming to an end. Poor ratings  however plagued his three year run and he is now looking to score some other position within CNN.


lauren poe (@lo4o4_)