Pennsylvania Teen Suspended for Asking Miss America to Prom

Forget getting turned down for a date how about getting suspended ! prom19n-2-web

When 18-year-old Patrick Farves asked Miss America to prom he didn’t think in a million years it would lead to a three-day in-school suspension Thursday. Nina Davuluri better known as Miss America, was at the school to talk to students about diversity and the importance of science, technology, engineering and math studies.

During a question and answer session the Central York High School senior stood up and asked Davuluri the question then made his way to the stage with a plastic flower. Really sweet, however school advisers didn’t think so. Davuluri laughed as the crowed cheered.


Even after being warned not to go along with his plans to pop the prom question during the session, Farves went against officials and later apologized for disrupting the event. The school disciplines students who break the rules and made no exceptions for this incident. Pretty brave, Farves but now he’ll have to go alone if he can’t find another leading lady.

