World’s Fair Keeps It Real About Your Girl In “N.A.A.S.”

world's fair

If you ain’t about sh*t, your girl is as good as gone. Where did she go? To World’s Fair, of course. And I’m not talking about the cultural and technological expo. I’m talking about Prince SAMO, Nasty Nigel, and Remy Banks. For their new single, “N.A.A.S.,” World’s Fair continues where they left off with Bastards of the Party by bringing their flavor of New York bravado while keeping it real as to why they’re the tastemakers and not you. As the hybrid beat from Black Noi$e switches from a disruptive dance track to a smooth serenade, World’s Fair’s multifaceted styles shine once again. Stay tuned for more on their upcoming, currently untitled LP.

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Bryan Hahn (@notupstate)
