SRH Isn’t What You’re “Used To”


If you want to have a significantly better life, you can’t expect to get there by doing more of the “same ol’ same ol’.” You need to make drastic changes. That’s exactly the kind of tip Montreal emcee SRH is on. On his latest promo single, “Used To,” SRH explains how jaded he’s becoming by dreaming and messing around with the idea of love. Now, he insists, it’s all about the music. He may be out of his comfort zone from what he’s grown accustomed to, but he’s focused and that’s more than enough to get him through. The detached, out of body experience production from DJ Pain 1 provides just the right amount of empty space for the short spurts of machine gun flow from the emcee. Used To will serve as a stepping stone for SRH from his old ways, as he looks forward to his upcoming Broke And Happy EP.

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Bryan Hahn (@notupstate)
