Source Exclusive: Source Sits Down With Andrew Schulz From MTV’s New Series “Jobs That Don’t Suck”


Andrew Schulz lets us know the 411 behind the new comedy series “Jobs That Don’t Suck”

MTV is known for being a television channel that caters to the present generation and the 20-something crowd that usually tune in.


Safe to say, with their new show, “Jobs That Don’t Suck,” they cracked open the traditional mindset of a regular “9-5” and showed the creativity of this generation is something to pay attention too.  MTV’s new show is based around hustle and people turning their side gigs into their wildest dreams.

The Source caught up with the shows host and comedic backbone Andrew Schulz to talk about everything relating to the show and more.

Hit the jump to read the interview

Andrew Somuah(@Drewtheabstract)