Racism is till very much alive and well, and unfortunately, this year, we’ve had several high profile reminders of that. Never mind the Donald Sterling fiasco–which is expected to be in or hovering around headlines as long as newly minted NBA Commissioner Adam Silver continues his quest to oust Sterling not just from the NBA, but as owner of the team–but our very own President, Barack Obama, was recently a victim of it.
A New Hampshire–specifically, Wolfeboro–vice chairman of police commission publicly used the “N word” to describe President Barack Obama, causing his own political colleagues to call for his ousting. While sitting in a public restaurant, a citizen overheard Robert Copeland referring to Obama as the “N word”, and reported it to town officials. When Copeland was brought to task via e-mail, he had this to say about his choice of diction:
I believe I did use the ‘N’ word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse. For this, I do not apologize — he meets and exceeds my criteria for such.
The 82-year-old former vice chairman has tendered his resignation, after several urges from his colleagues and directive from his close friends.