As an ex comic book nerd, when I first heard about Marvel‘s plan to make a film about the quasi obscure comic book series Guardians Of The Galaxy – first published in 1969 and later rebooted in 2008 – I wasn’t exactly excited; Especially when you consider the release of much more obvious high profile comic book movie releases this year like Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Amazing Spiderman 2 and X-Men: Days of Future Past , which comes out this friday May 23rd (insert drool here).
However in the past few months and since the cast has been revealed there has been a great deal of industry buzz attached to this impending late summer release, and now we see why. This movie looks pretty freakin awesome based on the trailer. The film stars the hilarious Chris Pratt from NBC’s Parks & Recreation as well as Zoe Saldana (man she loves playing funny colored aliens), WWE’s Dave Batista, Vin Diesel as some sort of tree person and Bradley Cooper as a crotch grabbing fox (yes the animal, calm down ladies).
From the trailer the movie looks to be a great combination of awesome effects, action and comedy; like The Avengers meets Kick Ass, in outer space. Don’t be surprised if come year end this ends up being the best comic flick of the year. Check out the trailer, and let us know what you think on Facebook & Twitter.