HER SOURCE VICES | The Ultimate Leisure Backpack We’re Rocking For a Nice Hike

MALIBU COLLECTION PARKER BACKPACK, herschel and co, backpack, her source vices,

Sometimes we need to give our handbags a break, especially when the summer arrives. It’s time to grasp this weather and get into some recreational activities. We still need to have our necessities and with a nice bike ride around the city we don’t want to carry our favorite shoulder bag and sweat all over it, Eww! With the Citi-Bikes going down in price not to mention the health “trend” it’s almost necessary to have a great backpack to carry around.

MALIBU COLLECTION PARKER BACKPACK, herschel supply co, her source vices, backpack,We came upon the latest from Herschel Supply Co., and it’s our go to back pack for those leisure activities. The Malibu Collection Parker Backpack is colorful, light-weight and it has an interior laptop slot! We’re using the backpack for a quick hiking trip, a ride around the city and hey, it looks cool. The canvas bag retails for $50 USD and you can cop it here.


-Tatiana R. Johnson (@TatianaTot)