Timbaland Sued by Australian Promoter for $500K

Timbaland demands $500k after canceling a series of concerts in Australia timbo

In other news, producer Timbaland has some huge you-know-whats. And the story goes a little something like this. Timbaland agreed to a series of concerts in Australia and New Zealand back in July 2008.  Timbo was paid up front, half a million dollars to be exact, for the show by Australian promoter, Showtime. Now according to Showtime, less than a month before the shows were scheduled Timbo rescheduled for August with no explanation. Then strangely enough, a few weeks later Showtime discovered that Tim had actually scheduled shows for those same August dates…in Finland. Hmmm, now that’s odd. But what even more odd is that when Tim finally reached out to Showtime to tell him he was canceling, he somehow thought he was entitled to his other half of the money and demanded his final payment of $500k. Swerve! Not only did Showtime refuse but he’s now sueing the rapper to get back the original $500k plus damages.

