For the Ladies: The Best Rejection Hotline, Ever

bell hooks, rejection hotline

bell hooks will son creepy dudes on your behalf, via text message.

Back in more civilized times, a woman could reject a man’s advances–rightfully so–without worrying about her safety.


Sadly, in today’s society, we live in an age where mens’ entitlement supersedes respect for women, and saying no to a prom date may cost you your life.  Rejection poses a significant risk:  Women may end up falling victim to street harassment and generalized douchebag behavior (those dudes who say you’re just a bitch and you’re “not that hot, anyway,” after being rejected), or even physical confrontation and violence.

The next time you’re approached by some creeper, give him the (fake) digits 669-221-6251.  Whenever he texts or calls, he’ll get some feminist wisdom from our girl bell hooks, activist, author, and the reining queen of women’s empowerment.

hooks, a pen name for Gloria Jean Watkins, has been a powerful voice for feminism since the 80’s, when she published her first major work, called Ain’t I A Woman?  Black Women and Feminism.  She followed that up with another, entitled Feminism is for Everybody:  Passionate Politics, with the oak of making feminism accessible and understandable to anyone.  Also, she called Beyonce a “terrorist.”

The creator of the hotline remains anonymous, but he/she did send an email to Hairpin, explaining that the idea for this number was inspired by the way the New York Post printed bikini photos “of the woman who ‘spurned’ Elliot Rodgers.”

Elliot Rodgers was the disturbed young man who went on a killing spree because he couldn’t get laid, leaving behind a 137 page misogynistic manifesto detailing his lifetime of rejection by various women–and the woman whose photos were published by the Post was only 10 years old at the time she met Rodgers and “romantically rejected” him.

It’s sad that women have to resort to this, but it sounds like a number that you maybe want to keep on hand, just in case.

Tweet me and tell me what you think:  @scarlettsinatra