LeBron James & Wife Savannah Expecting a Baby Girl

LeBron x SavannahWell LeBron didn’t complete the championship three-peat but he has a three-peat at home as he and wife Savannah are expecting a third child.

There’s been speculation for the past few months about whether or not LeBron’s wife Savannah is pregnant.  Well Miami Heat president Pat Riley let the cat out of the bag during his bombshell end of the season press conference.

“Savannah now is going to have a little baby girl to join her in the fight against the two boys and LeBron, which she needs,” Riley said.

James and his wife have been together for more than a decade and have two boys, Lebron James Jr. and Bryce Maximus James.  Now they’re having a little girl to complete the family.  Congratulations to the happy couple.

– Shaina Auxilly (@Shay_Marie)