Woman Uses Student Loans To Pay For Plastic Surgery!

The  price of beauty is obviously worth an education! Don’t believe us? Ask  Katerina Christodoulou, a 21 year old college student who spent $17,000 from student loans to pay for work done to her butt, hips, knees and thighs.image

Feeling insecure about her body, the british student decided to take out the hefty loans meant to be used for her education, to supply her with what she describes as instant happiness.

“I did think about using the moment to put a deposit down on a house, but then I thought, ‘why not use the money to make myself happy now.”


“I know some people might be surprised to hear that I spent my student loan on my body, but it was worth it for how I feel now.”

In the UK students can recieve loans from the government, then pay them back within 25 years once they start earning more than $28,000 a year. If after the very lenient time period students are still unable to pay off their debt, it will be passed on to taxpayers. 

This means that she is most likely not going to pay for all of the work she had done. While she awaits her career as a model to take off,  she will have this new body to adore all while pondering on receiving more plastic surgery.