New Image of Ben Affleck as Batman Emerges at San Diego Comic Con; Bat Suit Also on Display

More goodies.

DC continues to tease us with bits and pieces from the upcoming blockbuster, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. From our first look of “Sad Batman” to Henry Cavill as Clark Kent to rumors of Jason Mamoa as Aquaman, the film is shaping up to be huge.

At San Diego Comic Con, DC Comics celebrated the 75th anniversary of Batman, a new image giving a closer look of Ben Affleck donning the caped crusaders’s retro short-eared cowl surfaced. While the news of Ben Affleck being casted as the Dark Knight was largely met with negative criticism, as the release of Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice nears and more images and details emerge, we feel pretty strongly that the Argo actor (and director) will provide a solid performance.


Another treat for fans of Batman at Comic Con was a display case hidden behind a curtain, that when removed revealed the Bat Suit, which DC Comics executive editor Dan Didio confirmed is the costume Ben Affleck kicks ass in, in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Check in with The Source as more Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice information rolls out.


You can find Khari Clarke at a bar in Williamsburg and on Twitter (@KINGCLARKEIII).