Seinfeld May Be Coming To Netflix

Oh em gee

Is Seinfeld the greatest sitcom of all-time? Some may argue that it deserves to be analyzed on a bigger scale.  Say, maybe, the greatest show of all time.  Vince Gilligan and the Breaking Bad writers may have something to do with that, or maybe the guys that put The Wire together.  Judge it how you may, its one of the greatest things to ever happen to television.

It may soon be one of the greatest things to ever happen to Netflix.


In a Reddit Q&A Jerry Seinfeld conducted, he was asked about the possibility of Seinfeld coming to Netflix, and his answer made the hair on the necks of Seinfeld fans world wide stand straight up.

jerry seinfeld


Let’s hope this happens.  It would be a start.  It’s bad enough Netflix doesn’t have Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or Martin.