The Creator Of Weeds & Orange Is The New Black Once Wrote A Show With Busta Rhymes As A Superhero

Woohaaa he’s got your TV in check

The Hollywood Reporter released a detailed feature about Jenji Kohan, most known as the creator of hit television shows ‘Weeds’ and ‘Orange Is The New Black’ this week.  In it they detail the road she took to get to where she is, along that road some very interesting things happened, the most of which has to be her attempt at writing a show featuring the one and only Busta Rhymes.

Kohan spent the decade or so that followed toiling in the network system, stuck in an endless loop of staffing jobs (Tracey Takes On…Gilmore Girls) and pilot scripts that went nowhere. There was the comedy about a divorce lawyer still in love with his ex-wife; a superhero show for Busta Rhymes; a Second Wives Club; and a musical rom-com.

How there is no more information on the failed show is thoroughly disappointing but regardless were glad this gem of knowledge was bestowed on us .


Spencer would OBVIOUSLY watch said show, follow him on Twitter – @sjeez