HEAVY ROTATION || From Japan to Griffin With DJ Haruka Salt

When it comes to keeping you in the know how of what’s poppin’ in all aspects of the Hip Hop culture, The Source always has you covered. Highlighting a few dope people at the same time makes it even better. Each week tune in to see what some of your favorite influencers are playing and a little insight to what they do.


Name || DJ Haruka Salt


Where Can We Find You || Griffin On Thursdays x Le Baron On Fridays x Penthouse 808 x The Flats (NYC)

dj haruka salt, nyc, nyc djs, her source, feature, the source,

Your Favorite Place To DJ || Le Baron NYC because I can play everything. Any good music old school hip hop to disco, House, Bass, new stuff. the crowds are very open-minded to any kind of music and willing to have great time.

Party Starter || This Is How We Do x Montell Jordan. Especially on Friday nights!

Twitter || @HARUKASALT_999 Instagram || HarukaSalt Website || HarukaSalt999.com

DJ Haruka’s Top Five

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Tatiana’s on Twitter (@TatianaTot) & she’s blasting this playlist!