With more and more forms of media being born out of the crevices of the internet, an artist’s expression of creativity has more avenues to explore than he/she could ask for. One artist who has chosen to take a less trodden path instead of becoming intimidated presented herself to the world recently with her own thesis. Los Angeles singer and non-role model, King Avriel, challenges your image of what a female singer should and can be, starting with her name. There are no hints of contrivance as she shares her world of pain and gain. The fragility in her voice is a testament to the scars, showing that she’s learned and gained strength, instead of being weakened while the production throughout the project ranges from structured, simple bonfire melodies to cloudy ideas of what purgatory might sound like. This is a complete journey that plays like a coming of age story. I can’t imagine what the visual roll out for this project will be like.
To get the full experience, King Avriel has provided a supplemental written piece that is self reflective in a smart and professional way that would impress a professor and student, alike.
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Bryan Hahn wishes his summer reading listening was this awesome. He’s also on Twitter (@notupstate).